Note: If you need more or less licenses, please let the Success Team know so that we can ensure that everyone has access to your subscription!
You can bulk assign licenses to a list of email addresses by uploading a CSV file in your License Manager. Here's how to:
Creating your CSV file
Before uploading, create a spreadsheet containing only one column of valid emails. Headers and columns of other data will be ignored. If you have student seats available that you need to assign, please ensure that you create a separate CSV of students as this will need to be uploaded separately from Teacher seats!
If you're using Microsoft Excel, be sure to save the file as a CSV.
If you're using Google Sheets, download the file by clicking File --> Download as --> Comma-separated values.
Uploading your CSV file
In our license manager, click on the blue button to the left that says Invite Users, then click on By CSV upload. You'll then need to select who you are inviting. You can select: Member, Student, or Admin. Who you are inviting should match who is included in your CSV, for example if you are wanting to add all of your Teachers you will want to select Member and then upload your Teacher specific CSV. Once you've selected who you are uploading, click 'Select CSV File'. Once that is successfully uploaded, you can then click on 'Send Invitations'.
When the upload process is complete, you will get a message stating "Invitations Successfully Created".
Note: If the total number of users is smaller than what you were expecting, the most likely explanation is that some of the emails in your CSV file were invalid. Please double-check your list for errors and upload again.