ACTION REQUIRED: Review and confirm your third-party app settings for Screencastify by October 23, 2023 in the Google Admin Console.
To protect student data privacy, Google will restrict access to third-party applications (including Screencastify) for students under the age of 18 unless the admin confirms access in the Google Admin Console.
Admins need to ensure Screencastify is marked as a trusted app in Google by October 23, 2023, or users in your organization may lose access to Screencastify.
Read on for instructions for updating your settings in Google to ensure your organization maintains access.
Information directly from Google on the change is available here: Manage access to unconfigured third-party apps for users designated as under 18.
Instructions for Confirming Screencastify as a Trusted App for Google SSO
To maintain uninterrupted access to Screencastify, administrators must confirm their app settings in the Google Admin Console by October 23, 2023. Failure to do so may result in the loss of access. Follow these steps to ensure a seamless experience:
- Log into Google Admin Console: Sign in as an administrator.
- Navigate to the App access control card.
- Click Review apps and select Screencastify.
- Click Configure access.
- Review and Confirm: Confirm Screencastify is set to Trust. Review the confirmation information, then click Confirm.
Resources from Google
For more details and content, please visit Google’s Help Center: