Granting Permissions for Webcam and Audio
When installing Screencastify, you will be asked to grant access to your webcam and microphone. We ask for this so you can narrate over your recordings and embed your webcam.
If you accidentally block Screencastify's access to your webcam and microphone and do want to grant this permission, you will need to manually unblock it. Screencastify is unable to unblock itself.
Unblocking Screencastify
Please follow these steps to unblock Screencastify's microphone and webcam access:
- Open any page in the Screencastify extension (e.g. the Your Recordings page or a Video page)
- If Screencastify's access to your webcam and microphone is blocked, you will see aicon in your URL bar
- Click theicon
- Select the Always allow... option
- Click Done
Now, Screencastify will be able to access your webcam and microphone for recordings.
If these steps don't work, please submit a support request for further assistance. 😀