You may be seeing records in your Viewer Analytics as “Anonymous” users. This is because you have answered the question "How do you want to track views?" as "Anonymously - No sign in required to access this link."
This means that your video currently does not require a sign-in or entry of any information by your viewers in order to access the video. In terms of your viewer analytics, it means that while we are able to see that someone has viewed your video, we are not able to track who the specific viewer was.
Note: A video, upon creation, is always set to 'Only Me.' As soon as you click the 'Copy Share Link' button, the permissions will automatically update to the default permissions you have set for your video or the default settings set by Screencastify which is 'Anyone with the link' and 'By email address'. You can change this default setting at any time and create a custom default configuration if you wish! More information about setting your default can be found HERE 🥳
If you would like to know who is watching your video, we recommend that you change your video permissions to one of the following:
"By Email Address" - This means that the viewer must log in to their Google account in order to access the video. Anyone with a Google account may access the video. The user will show up in your analytics with their name and email address.
"By Name" - This means that the viewer must enter a nickname in order to access the video. The user will show up in your analytics under their nickname
Here's a quick walkthrough on changing those permission settings:
- From the Video Management Page, click on 'Share Settings' under the 'Copy Share Link' button
- Under 'How are analytics tracked', select either 'By Email Address' or 'By Name'. We suggest 'By Email Address' as those views will be tied to student emails and much easier to track! A student could, in theory, write any name they wanted which could be hard to understand who actually viewed the video.
- Once you're done, click 'Save'. You have now updated your permissions! Please also note that if you do update your video permissions, we will be unable to update your existing analytics records retroactively. Only new records going forward will be tracked under the new permissions.