The Watch Page provides a complete viewing experience for your audience, whether they are students, parents, or other teachers.
More importantly, because viewing is happening on this page instead of on Google Drive, we’re able to collect viewer analytics and share those important insights with you!
When you share your video, the Watch Page is the page where your users will watch your video (hence the name!)
Clicking on "Copy Share Link" will produce a unique watch page URL that you can share anywhere you'd like! Additionally, depending on the privacy settings you have selected from the Video Watch Page, this will allow you to collect analytics data about who has seen your video, how often, and when. The default share settings are 'Anyone with the link' with analytics being collected 'By email address.'
When users access the Watch Page link, they will see the video in a new browser tab where they can play, pause, rewind, replay, and mute the video. Depending on the privacy settings you have selected, they may also be asked to sign in to watch the video. This will allow the views of your video to be tracked in your Viewer Analytics.
If you choose to have someone sign in to watch the video so you can collect analytics, the Watch Page will display the user's email address in the top right, the title of the video on the bottom left, and feature the video in the center.
Additionally, if you click on the three dots in the bottom right hand corner of the watch page, you will see a few more options for playback, including Playback speed and Picture-in-Picture!
Playback speed allows you to adjust your video playback speed so you are able to watch it from 0.5x - 2x the speed of the original video.
Picture-in-Picture allows you to pop the video out of the webpage into a floating window so you can continue to watch while working in other browser tabs. You can click on 'Back to tab' within the floating window to bring you back to the original watch page and close the floating window.
Resolution allows you to adjust the resolution of your video. The resolution options available will be dependent on what is possible for that specific video.