You may be seeing zero views as a result of the way you shared the video.
For more context, we’re able to provide analytics metrics because of the rollout of our Watch Page. By using our own page for viewing videos, we’re able to collect and send data back to our database from that watch page.
What this means is that Viewer Analytics are only tracked when the video is accessed via the Watch Page for that video. We are unable to track views when a viewer watches your video directly on Google Drive, from a downloaded file (mp4 or webm), or via an embedded file.
If you are seeing zero views in your Video Analytics, check to make sure you’ve shared your video using one of the following methods:
Copy Watch Page Link
Send in email
Generate QR code
Share to Classroom
If not, we recommend going back to the Video Details Page for that video and re-sharing the video using one of the methods listed above.
While you are still able to copy a Drive link and share your video that way, please note if you share a drive link for your users to watch your video we will NOT be able to capture analytics.
If you have amended your sharing options and are still seeing zero views, please reach out to us and we'll be happy to help further!