Investigating: Webcam Only recordings- Video Details Page not loading after stopping your recording



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  • Official comment
    Maria R

    Update! Our Engineering Team was able to implement a solution and the webcam recording issue has now been resolved! You will need to update your extension to the latest version of Screencastify (v2.44.1) to see that fix implemented.

    In order to immediately start using the most recent version of our extension (as opposed to waiting for it to update automatically in the background, which can take a few days), you’ll need to manually update your Chrome extensions.​​​​​​ Here’s a short article and video that walks you through how to do that as well. All users should be able to record webcam only recordings as usual after updating 🥳

    Thanks for hanging in there as our team implemented a resolution!

    - Screencastify Team 

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    Justin Medved

    Thanks for this workaround. I am now following this page. Please update it when you have the full solution in place.


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    Justin Medved



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