1. Click on 'Announcements' on the left hand panel within Canvas
2. Click on '+Announcement' to create a new Announcement
3. Click on the Plug Icon to access the Apps within Canvas
4. Select 'Screencastify'
5. If this is your first time using Screencastify within Canvas, you will be prompted to sign into your Screencastify account. Please ensure that you sign in with the email associated with your Screencastify account. If you have already done this within Canvas, you will only need to do it once.
6. You will be brought to a pop-up showing your 'My Videos' page
7. Click on the video you wish to add to your Announcement
8. You will be brought to a preview window showing you the video you have selected. Please note, that when you select a video, the sharing permissions on that video will automatically update to 'Anyone With the Link' no matter what the previous sharing permissions were. This ensures that no one will need to sign in via email to access/view the video. This also means that viewers will be captured as 'Anonymous' on these videos in analytics.
9. Once you've decided you'd like to add the chosen video, click on 'Select'. If you'd like to select a different video, you can click on 'Back' to select a different video.
10. You will see your video successfully added to your Announcement!
Some things to note:
- If your video contains Interactive Questions, those questions will NOT be brought over to Canvas. To share a video that contains Interactive Questions, please share them via the Watch Page link.
- If you have selected video that is deleted in Google Drive, you will see: “The video you selected is no longer available because it was deleted from Drive. It will be removed from your My Videos shortly.” If this video has been deleted from Drive, it will no longer be available on your My Videos page to share and you will need to select a new video.