If you no longer have access to the email connected to your Screencastify account or you wish to use a different email than the one you originally signed up with, please submit a support request so our team can assist you. Remember to include both the email connected to your Screencastify account as well as the new email you would like to use.
IMPORTANT: If you switch the email address associated with your account, you will not see your previous videos on the My Videos page when you sign in with the new email address. However, if your original email account was connected to Google Drive, your previous recordings will still be saved in that Google Drive.
Switch accounts in the extension
Once the email address associated with your account has been updated in our system, you can switch the account that you're logged in to the extension with:
- Open the extension's Main Menu
- Click "Switch Account"
- Choose the Google account you want to switch to:
And that's it! You'll now be logged in to Screencastify with your new email.