When you create an assignment in Submit, you have the option of creating a screencast or a webcam recording. Here's a help article on creating an assignment here.
What if my students do not have a webcam?
If you have students that don't have access to a webcam, one of the things we recommend is creating two assignments:
- The first captures the student's webcam
- The second captures the student's screen
For example, you could make an assignment with (webcam) in the title that asks students to demonstrate something using their webcam.
- In the settings, choose to capture their webcam and their microphone.
- Once you hit next, you can immediately make a duplicate of this assignment by going back to the "Details" and changing the title.
For the second assignment, you can add (screen recording) to the title and ask students to demonstrate something using their screen.
Now, you have two versions of this assignment, one that uses a student's screen and one that uses a student's webcam. You can post both links to Google Classroom or another LMS, and have the student choose the one that works best for their situation.